I’m still alive and waiting.

My military life’s gonna end in a couple of weeks time and I’ve yet to decipher on what I should do next. The local university that I’ve applied in to hasn’t replied my application yet so I’m not sure if I can go and find a temporary job first because if I do get accepted in the local uni, I’ll only have a couple of months to spare and I don’t think any companies would want to hire a temp staff with such short term shelf life. 

Other than job hunting (science related jobs), I’ve also thought of signing up to do some voluntary works for the environment and wild life. For now, well, I guess I don’t have much things to do but read and research.

2 responses to “I’m still alive and waiting.

  1. Maverick, how are you? ( :
    I’m planning to do some volunteer work as well. I want to volunteer at my local botanical garden in the summer.
    I’m hoping to learn a thing or two about gardening and the native landscapes. And then maybe I can start a little garden of my own! Oh, but I would much rather like to do some volunteer work with wildlife.
    I hope you hear back from that university soon. The sooner the better!

    • Hi Rina! I’ve been good, hope you’re doin good too! 🙂
      Guess what, my military term just ended…Today!
      Goodbye Sgt. Mav, hello Mr. Mav! haha
      Oh that’s cool! I thought of volunteering at the local Parks as well, but I thought it’ll be more fun if there’s animals around. I’ve already emailed one of the wetland reserves here. Kinda excited and nervous at the same time. Imagine having crocodiles and lizards and snakes around you! wooahhh~
      Anyway I’ve already decided. I’ll go aussie for uni. It’ll be a good experience, though kinda costly:(.
      Hope you garden plan works out! it’ll be pretty cool having your own garden!
      take care!

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